Sir Pigglesworth Action & Adventure Chapter Books for Children ages 5-8
I love this illustration!
Just look at the giant in the bubble…and see how startled Sir Pigglesworth looks!
In the foreground, Sir Pigglesworth doesn’t look very happy.
It was the stretch limo you see that caused his reaction.
The giant isn’t very scary-looking because I didn’t want to scare little kids.
So he just looks a little intimidating.
David uses bubbles to show that Sir Pigglesworth is picturing what’s happening in his mind, not really happening.
Notice the airplane taking off…you can tell you’re still at the airport.
Text from book 3 page 11 for the Don’t Want to Look Like Dumbo! Illustration
JoAnn held his hoof as they left the airport and went into the parking area.
Their limo was waiting for them at the curb just outside the door.
“JoAnn, do something!” Sir Pigglesworth cried.
“Someone stretched that car out! There must be a giant here who likes to stretch things!”
He imagined the giant stretching his ears out until they dragged the ground.
“I don’t want to look like Dumbo!” he cried loudly.
### Copyright © 2015 by Where In The World is Sir Pigglesworth, Inc. ###
Have a #pigalicious day.
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Award-winning Author and Speaker
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