Pack your sunscreen and snorkels, because our fun-loving hero, Sir Pigglesworth, and his peppy sidekick, Princess Serena, have been invited on a surprise birthday cruise to the sun-soaked shores of Cozumel! Planned by their friend Bill for JoAnn’s birthday, this is one surprise that’s bound to make a splash.
Remembering his last cruise, Sir Pigglesworth practically squeals with joy at the prospect of more maritime merriment. Yet, even before they’ve set sail, the pig-and-princess duo is stirring up more frothy fun than a smoothie blender! From friendly quarrels on the sundeck to exploring another real ship, Sir Pigglesworth is ready to cause a commotion in Cozumel.
Join this boisterous journey with Sir Pigglesworth and his crew as they dig-up ancient ruins, plunge into undersea coral adventures, and cause more high-seas hilarity than a barrel of buccaneers.