Sir Pigglesworth’s Adventures in New York City


92 page chapter book
39 full page color illustrations
Recommended ages 5-10
Revised: August 2023
ISBN: 978-1-68055-173-0



Join our hoof-stomping hero, Sir Pigglesworth, and his buddy JoAnn as they trot the globe, searching for his elusive parents! Landing in the Big Apple just in time for Thanksgiving, the city’s excitement stirs up some high-spirited hog-happenings for our hero, who leaves a trail of fun wherever he goes!

And this time, there’s a twist: The Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade! Will this be the snout-to-snout reunion readers have been waiting for, or just another wild-pig chase?

Hurry and join in the fantastic adventures of our award-winning piggy in the city that never sleeps!